LinkedIn Announces New Commute Feature Powered by Bing Maps

Today, LinkedIn introduced a new, helpful feature to their many users – “Your Commute.”

LinkedIn has been working with the Bing Maps Platform Team to add this valuable new feature to their mobile experience, allowing users to see what the commute time is for a selected job posting. Built with the help of several Bing Maps APIs, the “Your Commute” feature helps users calculate their potential commute time to the new job they are considering. The Bing Maps services used in the feature include Autosuggest, Geocoding, Routing and Maps.

Because Bing Maps supports multiple travel modes, the commute time from your location to the potential job can be calculated if you are travelling by car, using public transportation, or even walking.  Utilizing predictive traffic data also takes into account rush hour traffic, giving job seekers another data point to consider when selecting their next job.

To learn more about the “Your Commute” feature, read the announcement on the LinkedIn blog and an overview of the feature on TechCrunch.

For more information about the Bing Maps Platform APIs that help power this LinkedIn feature, go to

– Bing Maps Team

Source: Bing Blog Feed

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